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敬重jing4 zhong4 to respect deeply
组胺zu3 an4 histamine (a biogenic amine involved in local immune responses)
人工呼吸ren2 gong1 hu1 xi1 artificial respiration (medicine)
双喜shuang1 xi3 double happiness
失神shi1 shen2 despondent
抢走qiang3 zou3 to steal away
暴龙bao4 long2 esp. T. rex
泄气xie4 qi4 to despair
改头换面gai3 tou2 huan4 mian4 cosmetic changes
代言dai4 yan2 to endorse
wei4 impressive
谍报die2 bao4 spy report
自负盈亏zi4 fu4 ying2 kui1 financially autonomous
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