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毕摩bi4 mo2 shaman among the Yi ethnic group
毗耶娑pi2 ye1 suo1 Vyasa, Indian sage and scribe, supposed author of epic 摩訶婆羅多摩诃婆罗多[Mo2 he1 po2 luo2 duo1] and a major figure in it
求怜经qiu2 lian2 jing1 Miserere nobis
汇业财经集团hui4 ye4 cai2 jing1 ji2 tuan2 Delta Asia Financial Group
汤勺tang1 shao2 soup ladle
汤盘tang1 pan2 soup plate
汤类tang1 lei4 soup dishes (on menu)
浅学qian3 xue2 superficial
浅短qian3 duan3 superficial
浮利fu2 li4 mere worldly, superficial gain, such as wealth and fame
涌溢yong3 yi4 to well up
润饼run4 bing3 soft mixed vegetable and meat roll-up
涨风zhang3 feng1 upward trend (in prices)
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