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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%Japan" AND Chinese phrase "%" AND Pinyin phrase ""

对马岛dui4 ma3 dao3 Tsushima Island, between Japan and South Korea
将棋jiang4 qi2 Japanese chess (shgi)
小泉纯一郎xiao3 quan2 chun2 yi1 lang2 Koizumi Junichiro
尾张国wei3 zhang1 guo2 Owari or Owari-no-kuni, Japanese fiefdom during 11th-15th century, current Aichi prefecture around Nagoya
川端康成chuan1 duan1 kang1 cheng2 Kawabata Yasunari, Japanese literature Nobel laureate
废藩置县fei4 fan1 zhi4 xian4 [to] [abolish] [the] [feudal] [Han] [and] [introduce] [modern] [prefectures] [(refers] to reorganization during Meiji Japan)
德仁de2 ren2 Naruhito (1960-), crown prince of Japan
慈照寺ci2 zhao4 si4 Jishji in northeast Kyto 京都, Japan, the official name of Ginkakuji or Silver pavilion 銀閣寺银阁寺[yin2 ge2 si4]
抹茶mo3 cha2 green tea powder (Japanese: matcha)
数独shu4 du2 sudoku (Japanese: s doku)
斋藤zhai1 teng2 Saito or Saitoh, Japanese surname
新舄 xin1 xi4 Niigata, city in northwest Japan
日人ri4 ren2 the Japanese

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