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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

抛头露面pao1 tou2 lou4 mian4 to show one's face
枭首示众xiao1 shou3 shi4 zhong4 gibbet
株式会社zhu1 shi4 hui4 she4 Ltd
大韩民国da4 han2 min2 guo2 Republic of Korea (South Korea)
法兰西共和国fa3 lan2 xi1 gong4 he2 guo2 Republic of France
混淆视听hun4 xiao2 shi4 ting1 to obscure the facts (idiom)
中国致公党zhong1 guo2 zhi4 gong1 dang3 China Zhi Gong Party
中央宣传部zhong1 yang1 xuan1 chuan2 bu4 abbr. for 中国共产党中央委员会宣传部
公众集会gong1 zhong4 ji2 hui4 public meeting
公共卫生学院 gong1 gong4 wei4 sheng1 xue2 yuan4 Institute of Public Health
公共场gong1 gong4 chang3 public place
公共性gong1 gong4 xing4 public
公共管理 gong1 gong4 guan3 li3 public management

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