苞米 | bao1 mi3 | corn |
通讯员 | tong1 xun4 yuan2 | reporter |
分管 | fen1 guan3 | branched passage |
喉舌 | hou2 she2 | mouthpiece |
尊贵 | zun1 gui4 | noble |
拜拜 | bai4 bai4 | bye-bye |
瞎扯 | xia1 che3 | to talk idly |
缺德 | que1 de2 | mean |
肩 | jian1 | to shoulder (responsibilities etc) |
发冷 | fa1 leng3 | to catch cold |
羯 | jie2 | castrate a ram |
孝敬 | xiao4 jing4 | to respect |
普降 | pu3 jiang4 | widespread rain |