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敌众我寡di2 zhong4 wo3 gua3 heavily outnumbered
斗转星移dou3 zhuan3 xing1 yi2 time flies
旁鹜pang2 wu4 to be inattentive
无心插柳柳成阴wu2 xin1 cha1 liu3 liu3 cheng2 yin1 also written 無心插柳柳成蔭无心插柳柳成荫
ji4 choke on something eaten
明邃ming2 sui4 glistening and piercing
星移斗转xing1 yi2 dou3 zhuan3 time flies
xuan4 relaxed
普及到 pu3 ji2 dao4 to become popular to the extent that
曲肱而枕qu1 gong1 er2 zhen3 fig. content with simple things
服辩fu2 bian4 written confession
朱厚照zhu1 hou4 zhao4 Zhu Houzhao, personal name of tenth Ming emperor 正德[Zheng4 de2] (1491-1521), reigned 1505-1521
朽蠹xiu3 du4 to decay and be eaten by worms etc
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