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巴林右ba1 lin2 you4 Bairin Right banner or Baarin Baruun khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia
巴林左ba1 lin2 zuo3 Bairin Left banner of Baarin Zn khoshuu in Chifeng 赤峰[Chi4 feng1], Inner Mongolia
帅呆了shuai4 dai1 le5 awesome
平叛ping2 pan4 to put down a revolt
庙号miao4 hao4 temple name of a deceased Chinese emperor
庚申geng1 shen1 fifty seventh year G9 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1980 or 2040
开禁kai1 jin4 to lift a ban
彰彰zhang1 zhang1 obvious
心秀xin1 xiu4 not manifesting one's inner quality
忘年交wang4 nian2 jiao1 friends across the years
怔忪zheng1 zhong1 scared
急人之难ji2 ren2 zhi1 nan4 anxious to help others resolve difficulties (idiom)
意符yi4 fu2 also called significative or radical
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