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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%up" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

下辈xia4 bei4 offspring
不支持 bu4 zhi1 chi2 nonsupport
仰卧起坐yang3 wo4 qi3 zuo4 to sit-up
低热di1 re4 a low fever (up to 38C)
作成的 zuo4 cheng2 de5 made-up
信息高速公路xin4 xi1 gao1 su4 gong1 lu4 Information Superhighway
li4 Lisu ethnic group of Yunnan, see 傈僳
bo2 name of an ethnic group
兴奋的 xing1 fen4 de5 het-up
养老送终yang3 lao3 song4 zhong1 to support in old age until death
凤眼feng4 yan3 elegant, almond-shaped eyes with the inner canthus pointing down and the outer canthus up, like the eye of a phoenix
凶猛的 xiong1 meng3 de5 lupine
出神入化chu1 shen2 ru4 hua4 preoccupation
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