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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

播发bo1 fa1 to publicize
科学编辑ke1 xue2 bian1 ji2 science editor of a publication
铭谢ming2 xie4 vote of thanks
人所共知ren2 suo3 gong4 zhi1 public knowledge
财政厅cai2 zheng4 ting1 public finance office
中非共和国zhong1 fei1 gong4 he2 guo2 Central African Republic
克罗地亚共和国ke4 luo2 di4 ya4 gong4 he2 guo2 Republic of Croatia
公产gong1 chan3 public production
公德心gong1 de2 xin1 civility
圣多明哥sheng4 duo1 ming2 ge1 Santo Domingo, capital of Dominican Republic
增刊zeng1 kan1 additional publication
多明尼加共和国duo1 ming2 ni2 jia1 gong4 he2 guo2 duo1 ming2 ni2 jia1 gong4 he2 gDominican Republic, traditional variant of 多米尼加共和國多米尼加共和国
科特迪瓦共和国ke1 te4 di2 wa3 gong4 he2 guo2 The Republic of the Cote d'Ivoire

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