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Querying dictionary for English phrase "different" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

海纳百川hai3 na4 bai3 chuan1 all rivers run into the sea
淡泊名利dan4 bo2 ming2 li4 indifferent to worldly rewards
百般巴结bai3 ban1 ba1 jie2 assiduous fawning (idiom)
表现不一的影响 biao3 xian4 bu4 yi1 de5 ying3 xiang3 to show different influences
阶梯计价jie1 ti1 ji4 jia4 tiered pricing
分化不良型的 fen1 hua4 bu4 liang2 xing2 de5 undifferentiated
微分的 wei1 fen1 de5 fluxional
不知痛痒bu4 zhi1 tong4 yang3 numb
八纲ba1 gang1 eight principles, a method of giving a general description and syndrome differentiation (TCM)
判若两人pan4 ruo4 liang3 ren2 to be a different person
女大十八变nv3 da4 shi2 ba1 bian4 fig. a young woman is very different from the little girl she once was
思潮起伏si1 chao2 qi3 fu2 different thoughts coming to mind
无可无不可wu2 ke3 wu2 bu4 ke3 indifferent

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