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Querying dictionary for English phrase "" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase "%lin2"

森林砍伐 sen1 lin2 kan3 fa2 deforestation
森林野火 sen1 lin2 ye3 huo3 forest fire
欧伯林ou1 bo2 lin2 Oberlin
欧柏林ou1 bo2 lin2 Oberlin
死到临头si3 dao4 lin2 tou2 Death is near at hand. (idiom)
比珥以琳bi3 er3 yi3 lin2
沙林水解酶sha1 lin2 shui3 jie3 mei2 sarinase
沙枣林sha1 zao3 lin2
沙琳sha1 lin2
沙琳地sha1 lin2 di4
波涛磷磷bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2 variant of 波濤粼粼波涛粼粼[bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2]
波涛粼粼bo1 tao1 lin2 lin2 crystalline waves (idiom)
泰加林tai4 jia1 lin2 taiga
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