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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%trend" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

转折zhuan3 zhe2 twists and turns
han2 trends
大势da4 shi4 trend
时势shi2 shi4 circumstances
长势zhang3 shi4 growth
歪风wai1 feng1 unhealthy trend
风头feng1 tou2 limelight
上升趋势shang4 sheng1 qu1 shi4 an upturn
颓势tui2 shi4 downward trend
钻心zuan1 xin1 to sneak in
一脉相承yi1 mai4 xiang1 cheng2 to come in succession
发展趋势fa1 zhan3 qu1 shi4 growing trend
大势所趋da4 shi4 suo3 qu1 general trend

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