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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

广播guang3 bo1 to publicize
公安gong1 an1 Ministry of Public Security
韩国han2 guo2 South Korea (Republic of Korea)
阳光yang2 guang1 sunshine
作出zuo4 chu1 to put out
公布gong1 bu4 to publish
共和gong4 he2 republicanism
孙中山sun1 zhong1 shan1 same as 孫逸仙孙逸仙
民国min2 guo2 people's republic
中华民国zhong1 hua2 min2 guo2 Republic of China
公园gong1 yuan2 park (for public recreation)
多尔duo1 er3 Bob Dole (1923-), US Republican politician, Kansas senator 19691996
广场guang3 chang3 plaza

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