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Querying dictionary for English phrase "drawing" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

三角板san1 jia3 ban3 san1 jiao3 ban3 set square
透视图tou4 shi4 tu2 claivoyance
miao2 to trace a drawing
投影面tou2 ying3 mian4 plane of projection (in perspective drawing)
hao2 hair
笔法bi3 fa3 technique of writing
草图cao3 tu2 rough drawing
透视画tou4 shi4 hua4 perspective drawing
并条bing4 tiao2 drawing (textile industry)
笔力bi3 li4 vigor of style in literary composition
凹入ao1 ru4 cavity
透视法tou4 shi4 fa3 perspective (in drawing)
白描bai2 miao2 line drawing in traditional ink and brush style

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