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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%Three" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

欧洲三国 ou1 zhou1 san1 guo2 three countries in Europe
长江三峡工程chang2 jiang1 san1 xia2 gong1 cheng2 Three Gorges Engineering Project
三天打鱼,两天晒网san1 tian1 da3 yu2 liang3 tian1 shai4 wang3 to do sth by fits and starts
三体问题san1 ti3 wen4 ti2 three-body problem (mechanics)
三维空间san1 wei2 kong1 jian1 3D
三仇san1 chou2 animosity or resentment towards three groups (the bureaucrats, the wealthy, and the police) due to perceived abuse of power
三代同堂san1 dai4 tong2 tang2 three generations under one roof
三十亿san1 shi2 yi4 three billion
三茶六饭san1 cha2 liu4 fan4 to be extremely considerate towards guests (idiom)
三足乌san1 zu2 wu1 Korean: samjog'o
三非 san1 fei1 the three illegals
四十三si4 shi2 san1 43
夏黄公xia4 huang2 gong1 Truncated - click through for definition

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