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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

保安部bao3 an1 bu4 Public Security Ministry
公交车gong1 jiao1 che1 town bus
公信gong1 xin4 public faith
公共交通gong1 gong4 jiao1 tong1 mass transit
公关部gong1 guan1 bu4 public relations department
公团 gong1 tuan2 public group
公愤gong1 fen4 public anger
公民权利gong1 min2 quan2 li4 civil rights
公益事业gong1 yi4 shi4 ye4 gong1 yi2 shi4 ye4 charity
公益金gong1 yi4 jin1 community chest
公钥gong1 yao4 public key
吃皇粮chi1 huang2 liang2 to live off government money
国新办guo2 xin1 ban4 National News Office

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