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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%up" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

另加ling4 jia1 to add to
吃不住chi1 bu5 zhu4 to be unable to bear or support
名不虚传ming2 bu4 xu1 chuan2 a fully justified reputation
在其中zai4 qi2 zhong1 among the group
备用环bei4 yong4 huan2 backup ring
多种语言支持duo1 zhong3 yu3 yan2 zhi1 chi2 multilingual support
奋袂fen4 mei4 to roll up one's sleeves for action
安可an1 ke3 encore (follow up music performance)
巴黎公社ba1 li2 gong1 she4 Paris Commune 1871, an unsuccessful proletarian uprising against the French Third Republic
并蒂莲bing4 di4 lian2 fig. a devoted married couple
康巴kang1 ba1 Khampa, subdivision of Tibetan ethnic group
德昂de2 ang2 De'ang (ethnic group)
恩仇en1 chou2 debt of gratitude coupled with duty to avenge
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