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斯宾诺莎si1 bin1 nuo4 sha1 Baruch or Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677), rationalist philosopher
gang4 gang4 gang1 rod
纤夫qian4 fu1 burlak (barge hauler)
营寨ying2 zhai4 camp
青稞qing1 ke1 qingke barley
从男爵cong1 nan2 jue2 baronet
封爵feng1 jue2 investiture
胶素jiao1 su4 baregin
芭比ba1 bi3 Barbie
藤壶teng2 hu2 barnacle
赤膊chi4 bo2 bare to the waist
光秃秃guang1 tu1 tu1 bald
解围jie3 wei2 to lift a siege
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