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舒兰市shu1 lan2 shi4 Shulan county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province
舞钢市wu3 gang1 shi4 Wugang county level city in Pingdingshan 平頂山平顶山[Ping2 ding3 shan1], Henan
英德市ying1 de2 shi4 Yingde county level city in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong
荣成市rong2 cheng2 shi4 Rongcheng county level city in Weihai 威海, Shandong
莱州市lai2 zhou1 shi4 Laizhou county level city in Yantai 煙台烟台, Shandong
莱西市lai2 xi1 shi4 Laixi county level city in Qingdao 青島青岛, Shandong
莱阳市lai2 yang2 shi4 Laiyang county level city in Yantai 煙台烟台, Shandong
蒲圻市pu2 qi2 shi4 Puqi, old name for Chibi county level city 赤壁市[Chi4 bi4 shi4], Xianning 咸宁市, Hubei
蓬莱市peng2 lai2 shi4 Penglai county level city in Yantai 煙台烟台, Shandong
蛟河市jiao1 he2 shi4 Jiaohe county level city in Jilin prefecture 吉林, Jilin province
西城区xi1 cheng2 qu1 west city region
西昌市xi1 chang1 shi4 Xichang county level city in Liangshan Yi autonomous prefecture 涼山彞族自治州凉山彝族自治州[Liang2 shan1 Yi2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 zhou1], south Sichuan
讷河市ne4 he2 shi4 Nehe county level city in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾齐齐哈尔[Qi2 qi2 ha1 er3], Heilongjiang
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