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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%able" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

不可数集bu4 ke3 shuo4 ji2 uncountable set (math.)
不可端倪bu4 ke3 duan1 ni2 not a clue
不合体统bu4 he2 ti3 tong3 bad form
不吝珠玉bu4 lin4 zhu1 yu4 Your criticism will be most valuable.
不堪入目bu4 kan1 ru4 mu4 an eyesore
不开窍bu4 kai1 qiao4 can't get the point
不忠的 bu4 zhong1 de5 disloyal
不愧不怍bu4 kui4 bu4 zuo4 just and honorable
不成体统bu4 cheng2 ti3 tong3 bad form
不爱社交的 bu4 ai4 she4 jiao1 de5 insociable
不胜其苦bu4 sheng4 qi2 ku3 unable to bear the pain (idiom)
不能停止 bu4 neng2 ting2 zhi3 to be unable to stop
不能实施的 bu4 neng2 shi2 shi1 de5 impracticable
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