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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%not" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

想不出xiang3 bu5 chu1 not to think of
扑空pu1 kong1 fig. to miss one's aim
打开天窗说亮话da3 kai1 tian1 chuang1 shuo1 liang4 hua4 not to mince words
抽象概念chou1 xiang4 gai4 nian4 abstract notion
无所作为wu2 suo3 zuo4 wei2 feckless
没意思mei2 yi4 si5 boring
没有脸 mei2 you3 lian3 not to have the nerve
算不了什么suan4 bu2 liao3 shen2 me5 not to count as anything
酒香不怕巷子深jiu3 xiang1 bu4 pa4 xiang4 zi5 shen1 quality ensures clientele
锺繇 zhong1 you2 Zhong Yao (151-230), minister of Cao Wei 曹魏 and noted calligrapher, said to have developed the regular script 楷书
雪上加霜xue3 shang4 jia1 shuang1 to add hail to snow (idiom)
上气不接下气shang4 qi4 bu4 jie1 xia4 qi4 to gasp for breath
不准许bu4 zhun3 xu3 forbidden
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