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Querying dictionary for English phrase "ten" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

丁尼生ding1 ni2 sheng1 Tennyson
上过shang4 guo4 to attend
不依不饶bu4 yi1 bu4 rao2 unforgivable
世乒赛shi4 ping1 sai4 world table tennis championship
亚滕加 ya4 teng2 jia1 Yatenga
任天堂ren4 tian1 tang2 ren2 tian1 tang2 Nintendo
低筋面粉di1 jin1 mian4 fen3 soft flour
供状gong4 zhuang4 written confession
克里森 ke4 li3 sen1 Christen
内容审查nei4 rong2 shen3 cha2 content appraisal
军事情报jun1 shi4 qing2 bao4 spying
凯斯顿 kai3 si1 dun4 Kesten
函系 han2 ji4 content
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