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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%this" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

到那个时候dao4 na4 ge4 shi2 hou4 until this moment
dan4 to taste
本星期ben3 xing1 qi1 this week
这次危机zhe4 ci4 wei1 ji1 this crisis
东奔西走dong1 ben1 xi1 zou3 to hopscotch
东奔西跑dong1 ben1 xi1 pao3 to bustle about
此道ci3 dao4 this hobby
这下zhe4 xia4 this time
这样一种 zhe4 yang4 yi1 zhong3 this type of
阿堵e1 du3 money
兴奋过度xing1 fen4 guo4 du4 hypererethisia
同情者tong2 qing2 zhe3 supporter
残雄蚁can2 xiong2 yi3 phthisaner

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