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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

土库曼tu3 ku4 man4 Republic of Turkmenistan, former Soviet republic adjoining Iran
公敌gong1 di2 public enemy
戴高乐dai4 gao1 le4 DeGaulle
公共场所gong1 gong4 chang3 suo3 public place
劣迹lie4 ji1 lie4 ji4 misdeed
xuan2 baseless
安全局an1 quan2 ju2 security bureau
澡堂zao3 tang2 public baths
考试院kao3 shi4 yuan4 exam board
上市公司shang4 shi4 gong1 si1 public company
公映gong1 ying4 to screen publicly
日刊ri4 kan1 daily (publication)
公审gong1 shen3 to try publicly

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