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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%Japan" AND Chinese phrase "%" AND Pinyin phrase ""

日本海ri4 ben3 hai3 Sea of Japan
藤野teng2 ye3 name of a person, Teng Ye, a Japanese friend of Lu3 Xun4 魯迅
倭寇wo1 kou4 Japanese pirates (in 16th and 17th century)
麻生ma2 sheng1 As (name)
切腹qie1 fu4 to cut open the stomach
成田cheng2 tian2 Narita airport (Tokyo)
日媒ri4 mei2 Japanese media
柏崎bai3 qi2 Kashiwazaki, Japanese name
纳豆na4 dou4 same as 臭豆腐
艺妓yi4 ji4 geisha (Japanese female entertainer)
靖国神社jing4 guo2 shen2 she4 Yasukuni Shrine, Shint shrine in Tky to Japanese war dead, controversial as burial ground of several Class A war criminals
鹿儿岛lu4 er2 dao3 Kagoshima, Japanese island prefecture off the south coast of Kyushu
丰臣秀吉feng1 chen2 xiu4 ji2 Toyotomi Hideyoshi

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