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盘根究底pan2 gen1 jiu1 di3 to get to the bottom of sth
盘根问底pan2 gen1 wen4 di3 to get to the bottom of sth
盟山誓海meng2 shan1 shi4 hai3 oath of eternal love
目怔口呆mu4 zheng1 kou3 dai1 stunned
目挑心招mu4 tiao3 xin1 zhao1 flirtatious
目无全牛mu4 wu2 quan2 niu2 extremely skilled
目空一切mu4 kong1 yi1 qie4 arrogant
眉来眼去mei2 lai2 yan3 qu4 to make eyes
眼穿肠断yan3 chuan1 chang2 duan4 keenly awaiting
知彼知己zhi1 bi3 zhi1 ji3 to know the enemy and know oneself (idiom, from Sunzi's The Art of War)
破涕为笑po4 ti4 wei2 xiao4 to turn grief into happiness
破罐破摔po4 guan4 po4 shuai1 lit. to smash a cracked pot (idiom)
破财免灾po4 cai2 mian3 zai1 to use money to avoid misfortune
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