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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%go" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

上班时间shang4 ban1 shi2 jian1 time of going to work
下界xia4 jie4 lower bound (math.)
不净bu4 jing4 ungodliness
健在jian4 zai4 to be in good health
古生代gu3 sheng1 dai4 Truncated - click through for definition
多巴哥duo1 ba1 ge1 Tobago
太岁tai4 sui4 Taisu, God of the year
奥勒冈州ao4 le4 gang1 zhou1 Oregon
始新世shi3 xin1 shi4 Eocene (geological epoch from 55m-34m years ago)
封爵feng1 jue2 investiture
帖木儿tie1 mu4 er2 Timur or Tamerlane (1336-1405), Mongol emperor and conqueror
怎么回事zen3 ma5 hui2 shi4 what happened
戈比 ge3 bi3 Gobbi
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