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无比绝望 wu2 bi3 jue2 wang4 to be filled with despair
是全世界共同责任 shi4 quan2 shi4 jie4 gong4 tong2 ze2 ren4 to be the shared responsibility of the world
最长寿命 zui4 chang2 shou4 ming4 the longest lifespan
月份牌yue4 fen4 pai2 calendar (esp. illustrated)
未获回应 wei4 huo4 hui2 ying1 not to get a response
条件反应tiao2 jian4 fan3 ying4 conditioned response
欧盟委员会发言人 ou1 meng2 wei3 yuan2 hui4 fa1 yan2 ren2 A spokesperson from the European Commission
此致敬礼ci3 zhi4 jing4 li3 respectfully yours (at the end of a letter)
洋场恶少yang2 chang3 e4 shao4 city infested with foreign adventurers (esp of Shanghai in pre-liberation China) (idiom)
洪水滔滔hong2 shui3 tao1 tao1 widespread flooding (idiom)
灾难应对行动 zai1 nan2 ying1 dui4 xing2 dong4 disaster response activity
特别是对 te4 bie2 shi4 dui4 especially as regards
cui1 see 猥獕, despicable
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