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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%able" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

合不来he2 bu4 lai2 to come
合得来he2 de5 lai2 to suit
吊斗diao4 dou3 cable car bucket
咸盐xian2 yan2 table salt
喘不过chuan3 bu5 guo4 to be unable to breathe easily
坚不可摧jian1 bu4 ke3 cui1 unbreakable
夜不闭户ye4 bu4 bi4 hu4 fig. stable society
大辟da4 pi4 death sentence
天有不测风云tian1 you3 bu4 ce4 feng1 yun2 sth unexpected may happen at any moment
妒能害贤du4 neng2 hai4 xian2 jealous of the able, envious of the clever (idiom)
威烈wei1 lie4 fierce
孤证不立gu1 zheng4 bu4 li4 unacceptable as uncorroborated evidence (in law or in textual criticism)
尾缀wei3 zhui4 final syllable
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