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兰摧玉折lan2 cui1 yu4 zhe2 those whom the Gods love die young
关塞guan1 sai4 border fort, esp. defending narrow valley
养家糊口yang3 jia1 hu2 kou3 to feed the family
冏卿jiong3 qing1 same as 太僕寺卿太仆寺卿[Tai4 pu2 si4 qing1]
冏寺jiong3 si4 same as 太僕寺太仆寺[Tai4 pu2 si4], Court of imperial stud, office originally charged with horse breeding
冏牧jiong3 mu4 same as 太僕寺卿太仆寺卿[Tai4 pu2 si4 qing1]
冤业yuan1 ye4 also written 冤孽
凶讯xiong1 xun4 bad news
凹进ao1 jin4 hollow
前冠qian2 guan1 prefix
北洋军bei3 yang2 jun1 Truncated - click through for definition
升结肠sheng1 jie2 chang2 ascending colon (anatomy)
卑躬屈膝bei1 gong1 qu1 xi1 fawning
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