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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%Song" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

开封市kai1 feng1 shi4 old name Bianliang 汴梁
松原市song1 yuan2 shi4 Songyuan prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
楚辞chu3 ci2 Chu Ci, the Songs of Chu (ancient book of poems, collected during Han but esp. from country of Chu c. 500 BC)
皮黄pi2 huang2 abbr. for 西皮二黃西皮二黄
que4 section of a song
陆游lu4 you2 Lu You (1125-1210), widely regarded as the greatest of the Southern Song poets
古筝gu3 zheng1 zither or guzheng
宋徽宗song4 hui1 zong1 Emperor Huizong (Song Dynasty)
嵩山song1 shan1 Songshan Mountain
肉松rou4 song1 rousong
仿宋fang3 song4 Fangsong font
元史yuan2 shi3 Truncated - click through for definition
十三经shi2 san1 jing1 Truncated - click through for definition

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