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Querying dictionary for English phrase "completely" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

戒掉了jie4 diao4 le5 to quit completely
推心置腹tui1 xin1 zhi4 fu4 to trust completely
是两回事 shi4 liang3 hui2 shi4 to be completely unrelated
毫无效果hao2 wu2 xiao4 guo3 to no avail
水火不容shui3 huo3 bu4 rong2 completely incompatible
满当当man3 dang1 dang1 brim full
满满当当man3 man3 dang1 dang1 brim full
点水不漏dian3 shui3 bu4 lou4 watertight
烂熟于心 lan4 shou2 yu2 xin1 to have completely internalized
精打光jing1 da3 guang1 completely broke
羡慕死了xian4 mu4 si3 le5 completely envious
败不成军bai4 bu4 cheng2 jun1 The army is completely routed. (idiom)
赤身露体chi4 shen1 lu4 ti3 completely naked

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