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Querying dictionary for English phrase "countries" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

两国liang3 guo2 both countries
东方dong1 fang1 the East
西方xi1 fang1 the West
等国deng3 guo2 and other countries
西洋xi1 yang2 Atlantic
别国bie2 guo2 other countries
国联guo2 lian2 allied countries
口岸kou3 an4 trading port
四国si4 guo2 four countries
邻国lin2 guo2 bordering country
东洋dong1 yang2 (old) Japan
工业国gong1 ye4 guo2 industrialized country
人民党ren2 min2 dang3 People's party (of various countries)

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