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Querying dictionary for English phrase "built" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

新建xin1 jian4 newly built
组织的 zu3 zhi1 de5 built-up
吊装diao4 zhuang1 to construct by hoisting ready-built components into place
架空jia4 kong1 fig. unfounded
内建nei4 jian4 built-in
大运da4 yun4 Mandate of Heaven
大运河da4 yun4 he2 the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC
壁橱bi4 chu2 closet
修成xiu1 cheng2 to be built
栈道zhan4 dao4 a plank road (built on trestles across the face of a cliff)
罗城luo2 cheng2 a second wall built around a city wall
暗锁an4 suo3 built-in lock
驳岸bo2 an4 a low stone wall built along the waters edge to p

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