新建 | xin1 jian4 | newly built |
组织的 | zu3 zhi1 de5 | built-up |
吊装 | diao4 zhuang1 | to construct by hoisting ready-built components into place |
架空 | jia4 kong1 | fig. unfounded |
内建 | nei4 jian4 | built-in |
大运 | da4 yun4 | Mandate of Heaven |
大运河 | da4 yun4 he2 | the Grand Canal, 1800 km from Beijing to Hangzhou, built starting from 486 BC |
壁橱 | bi4 chu2 | closet |
修成 | xiu1 cheng2 | to be built |
栈道 | zhan4 dao4 | a plank road (built on trestles across the face of a cliff) |
罗城 | luo2 cheng2 | a second wall built around a city wall |
暗锁 | an4 suo3 | built-in lock |
驳岸 | bo2 an4 | a low stone wall built along the waters edge to p |