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Querying dictionary for English phrase "bone" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

骨干gu3 gan4 fig. backbone
骨头gu3 tou5 bone
支柱zhi1 zhu4 prop
zhe2 to fold
骨髓gu3 sui3 bone marrow (medulla ossea)
打断da3 duan4 to interrupt
脊椎ji3 zhui1 Jinan
胸骨xiong1 gu3 breastbone
骨骼gu3 ge2 bones
中枢zhong1 shu1 backbone
乳突ru3 tu1 mastoid process (posterior part of temporal bone, at back of middle ear)
gu3 bone
骨灰gu3 hui1 bone ash

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