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li3 village
千里qian1 li3 a long distance
老子lao3 zi3 daddy
乌尔wu1 er3 Ur (Sumerian city c. 4500 BC in modern Iraq)
道家dao4 jia1 Taoist
孙武sun1 wu3 Sun Wu, famous general, strategist and Legalist philosopher, contemporary with Confucius 孔子 (551-479 BC), author of the Art of War 孫子兵法孙武兵法
山海经shan1 hai3 jing1 Classic of River and Mountains
杞国qi3 guo2 the State of Q in modern Q county 杞縣杞县, Henan (c. 1500-445 BC), a small vassal state of Shang and Western Zhou for most of its existence
晏子yan4 zi3 Yanzi (-c 500 BC), famous statesman from Qi of the Warring States, also known as 晏婴, hero of book 晏子春秋
楚辞chu3 ci2 Chu Ci, the Songs of Chu (ancient book of poems, collected during Han but esp. from country of Chu c. 500 BC)
河姆渡he2 mu3 du4 Hemudu neolithic archaeological site near Ningbo in Zhejiang, going back to c. 5000 BC
老君lao3 jun1 the sacred book of Daoism, 道德經道德经 by Laozi
三千五百san1 qian1 wu3 bai3 3 500

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