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Querying dictionary for English phrase "" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "痹" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

麻痹ma2 bi4 palsy
半身麻痹ban4 shen1 ma1 bi4 hemiplegia
小儿麻痹xiao3 er2 ma2 bi4 polio (poliomyelitis)
小儿麻痹症xiao3 er2 ma1 bi4 zheng1 xiao3 er2 ma2 bi4 zheng4 poliomyelitis
bi4 paralysis
使麻痹shi3 ma2 bi4 to paralyze
局部麻痹ju2 bu4 ma1 bi4 paresis
睫状肌麻痹jie2 zhuang4 ji1 ma1 bi4 cycloplegia
神经性麻痹shen2 jing1 xing4 ma1 bi4 neuroparalysis
痲痹ma2 bi4 paralysis
痹证bi4 zheng4 bi disorder
三肢麻痹san1 zhi1 ma1 bi4 triplegia
偏侧下身麻痹pian1 ce4 xia4 shen1 ma1 bi4 hemiparaplegia

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