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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
fán róng
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
faan4 wing4
Short definition prosperous
Usage frequency Very common
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玛雅(mǎ yǎ) Maya (civilization)
文明(wén míng) culture
繁荣(fán róng) prosperous
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
多久(duō jiǔ) how long?

For how long did the Maya culture flourish?

(ràng) to yield
我们( men) us
记住(jìzhù) to remember
这一点(zhè yī diǎn) this point
, 如果说
这场( zhè chǎng)
金融危机(jīn róng wēi jī) financial crisis
教会(jiào huì) (n) Christian church
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
我们( men) us
什么东西( shén me dōng xī) what is this
的话(dehuà) words
(nà nā nā) Na
就是(jiù shì) if
我们( men) us
不可能(bù kě néng) not able
(zài) (located) at
金融(jīn róng) financial
以外(yǐ wài) beyond
(dedì) of
领域(lǐng yù) sector
处于(chǔ yú) to be located in
困境(kùn jìng) predicament
(dedì) of
同时(tóng shí) at the same time
拥有(yōng yǒu) to have
繁荣(fán róng) prosperous
兴旺(xīng wàng) prosperous
(dedì) of
华尔街(huá ěr jiē) by extension, American big business

Let us remember that if this financial crisis taught us anything, it's that we cannot have a thriving Wall Street while Main Street suffers.

我们( men) us
回答(huí dá) response
这个问题( zhè ge wèn tí) this problem
(dedì) of
机会(jī huì) chance
我们的(wǒmende) our
时刻(shí kè) always
我们的(wǒmende) our
时代(shí dài) era
(ràng) to yield
我们的(wǒmende) our
人民(rén mín) (the) people
重新(chóng xīn) again
就业(jiù yè) to work
(wèi) for
我们的(wǒmende) our
后代(hòu dài) later ages
(chǎng) spacious
开机(kāi jī) to start an engine
(huìkuài) will
之门( zhī mén)
恢复(huī fù) to rehabilitate
繁荣(fán róng) prosperous
推进(tuī jìn) to push on
和平(hé píng) peaceful
重新(chóng xīn) again
确立(què lì) to establish
美国梦( měi guó mèng) American dream
” ,
再次(zài cì) once again
证明(zhèng míng) proof
这样(zhè yàng) such
一个(yī gè) a
基本的( jī běn de) basal
真理(zhēn lǐ) truth
我们( men) us
(shì) is
一家人(yī jiā rén) the whole family
只要(zhǐ yào) if only
一息尚存 ,
我们( men) us
希望(xī wàng) to desire
(dàng) when
我们( men) us
遇到(yù dào) to meet
嘲讽(cháo fěng) to taunt
(hé) with
怀疑(huái yí) skeptical
(dàng) when

This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time, to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the American dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth, that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope. And where we are met with cynicism and doubt and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people.

上海(shàng hǎi) Shanghai municipality, central east China, abbr. to 滬沪Hu4
那么(nà me) so
繁荣(fán róng) prosperous
一百(yī bǎi) a hundred
(liù) 6
开埠(kāi bù) to open treaty ports
以后(yǐ hòu) behind
发生的( fā shēng de) genesic
变化(biàn huà) variation

Shanghai is so prosperous; notably it was after the port was opened for trade one hundred and sixty years ago that things started to change.

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