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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
zhī shi
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
ji1 sik1
Short definition intellectual
Usage frequency Very common
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All available English definitions intellectualLDC iconMDBG icon / knowledge-relatedLDC iconMDBG icon/
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Copyleft icon Cantofish icon Cantofish: samecdic
Copyleft icon MDBG icon MDBG: intellectual; knowledge-related; knowledge; CL:é–€|é—¨[men2]
Copyleft icon LDC icon LDC: intellectual; knowledge-related; knowledge
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(shì) is
实实在在的( shí shí zài zài de) honest
技能(jì néng) skill
而不( ér bù)
表面的( biǎo miàn de) superficial
知识(zhī shi) intellectual

You have to acquire real skills, not just superficial knowledge.

学习(xué xí) to learn
新的(xīn de) new
知识(zhī shi) intellectual
令人(lìng rén) to cause people
愉悦(yú yuè) cheerful

Learning new information can make people happy.

(wèi) for
(xiǎng) to enjoy
(shòu) pleasant
(hé) with
生命(shēng mìng) living
激活(jī huó) to activate
(ér) with
读书(dú shū) to attend school
(hé) with
(wèi) for
知识(zhī shi) intellectual
(hé) with
教化(jiāo huà) civilise
(ér) with
读书(dú shū) to attend school
(shì) is
两码事(liǎng mǎ shì) another kettle of fish

There's a big difference between reading for pleasure and stimulation and reading for knowledge and education.

比起(bǐ qǐ) to compare with
父母(fù mǔ) parents
(dedì) of
说教(shuō jiāo shuō jiào) moralism
小孩子(xiǎo hái zi) Dot
(huìkuài) will
(cóngcóng) from
父母(fù mǔ) parents
(dedì) of
品格(pǐn gé) one's character
(zhōngzhòng) among
习得( xí dé)
更多(gèng duō) even more
知识(zhī shi) intellectual

Children learn more from what you are than what you teach.

(tā) another
(duì) for
日本的( rì běn de) japonic
历史(lì shǐ) history
非常(fēi cháng) very
感兴趣(gǎn xìng qù) to feel interested
我们( men) us
(hěn) quite
惊讶(jīng yà) awe
他在( tā zài)
这方面的(zhè fāng miàn de) this type of
丰富(fēng fù) abundant
知识(zhī shi) intellectual

He is very much interested in Japanese history. We are surprised at his vast knowledge of the subject.

只有(zhǐ yǒu) only
学习(xué xí) to learn
才能(cái néng) can then
获得(huò dé) to obtain
知识(zhī shi) intellectual

Knowledge can only be obtained by study.

知识(zhī shi) intellectual
是什么 ?
What is knowledge?

最好的(zuìhǎode) greatest
财富(cái fù) fortune
(shì) is
知识(zhī shi) intellectual
一般的( yī bān de) General
财富(cái fù) fortune
(shì) is
孩子(hái zi) child
最小的( zuì xiǎo de) lowest
财富(cái fù) fortune
(shì) is
物质(wù zhì) matter

The best wealth is knowledge, average wealth is children, and the smallest wealth is material objects.

我知道( zhī dào) I see
很多(hěn duō) very many
关于(guān yú) about
(chuán) ship
(dedì) of
知识(zhī shi) intellectual

I know a lot about ships.

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