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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
tiān jiā
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
tim1 ga1
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Sentence examples
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(nín) you (courteous, as opposed to informal 你ni3)
(wú) un-
(fǎ) law
添加(tiān jiā) to add
这个(zhè gè) this one
句子(jù zi) sentence
因为(yīn wèi) because
以下(yǐ xià) below
句子(jù zi) sentence
已经(yǐ jīng) already
存在(cún zài) to be

Your sentence was not added because the following already exists.

添加(tiān jiā) to add
这句(zhè gōu) this sentence
句子(jù zi) sentence

I didn't add this sentence.

汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
(jiāngjiàngqiāng) ready
他自己(tā zì jǐ) himself
(hé) with
玛丽(mǎ lì) Mary or Marie (name)
(dedì) of
名字(míng zi) name (of a person or thing)
添加(tiān jiā) to add
到了(dào le dào liǎo) finally
名单(míng dān) roster
(shàng) upper

Tom added both his and Mary's name to the list.

更改(gēng gǎi gèng gǎi) to modify
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
错误的( cuò wù de) errant
句子(jù zi) sentence
(qǐng) to ask
添加(tiān jiā) to add
一个(yī gè) a
新的(xīn de) new
(gēng gèng gèng) still
自然的(zì rán) natural
翻译(fān yì) translation

Don't change sentences that are correct. You can, instead, submit natural-sounding alternative translations.

(yóu) from
享有(xiǎng yǒu) to enjoy (rights, privileges etc)
版权(bǎn quán) copyright
(dedì) of
来源(lái yuán) origin
添加(tiān jiā) to add
句子(jù zi) sentence

Don't add sentences from copyrighted sources.

T a t o e b a
(shì) is
为了(wèi le) in order to
添加(tiān jiā) to add
(hé) with
收集(shōu jí) to gather
例句(lì jù) example sentence
而被( ér bèi)
创建(chuàng jiàn) to found

Tatoeba is created for adding and collecting example sentences.

(nín) you (courteous, as opposed to informal 你ni3)
(yǐ) already
(tiān) to add
加了(jiā le) to add
评论(píng lùn) to critique
而不是(érbúshì) and not
一个(yī gè) a
翻译(fān yì) translation
(yào) may
添加(tiān jiā) to add
一个(yī gè) a
翻译(fān yì) translation
点击(diǎn jī) to hit
这句话(zhè gōu huà) this sentence
上面(shàngmiàn) top
(dedì) of
« あ → а »
图标(tú biāo) icon (computing)

You have added a comment, not a translation. To add a translation, click on the «あ→а» icon above the sentence.

(ràng) to yield
我们( men) us
(zhǎo) to seek
关于(guān yú) about
这一( zhè yī)
主题(zhǔ tí) theme
(yǒu) some
(xīn) Singapore
单字的( dān zì de) monomial
句子(jù zi) sentence
将其( jiāng qí)
添加(tiān jiā) to add
(dào) to go
下面(xiàmiàn) next
(dedì) of
列表(liè biǎo) list
: _ _ _ _ _ ;
(bìng) and
翻译(fān yì) translation
它们(tā men) they

Let's find sentences with new vocabulary on this topic, add them to the following list: _____; and translate them.

(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
应该(yīng gāi) should
(bà) stem
那些(nà xiē) those
句子(jù zi) sentence
添加(tiān jiā) to add
(dào) to go
T a t o e b a
(shàng) upper

You should add those sentences to Tatoeba.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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