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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
méi yǒu le
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
mut6 yau5 liu5
Short definition not to have
Usage frequency Very infrequent
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如果(rú guǒ) if
没有了(méi yǒu le) not to have
音乐(yīn yuè) music
这个(zhè gè) this one
世界(shì jiè) world
一定会(yī dìng huì) absolutely will
变得(biàn de) to become
十分(shí fēn) very
枯燥乏味(kū zào fá wèi) vanpidity

If not for music, the world would be a dull place.

如果(rú guǒ) if
没有了(méi yǒu le) not to have
音乐(yīn yuè) music
这个(zhè gè) this one
世界(shì jiè) world
变得(biàn de) to become
十分(shí fēn) very
沉闷(chén mèn) heavy

Were it not for music, the world would be a dull place.

如果(rú guǒ) if
没有了(méi yǒu le) not to have
阳光(yáng guāng) sunshine
我们( men) us
(jiù) only
甚么(shén me) who?
(yě) too
(kàn) to read
不见了(bù jiàn le) disappear

Without the light of the sun, we could see nothing.

(wǒ) I
(wú) un-
(lúnlùn) view
(shì) is
甚么东西( shèn me dōng xī) what is this
(jì) mark
(jìn) to score a goal
笔记本(bǐ jì běn) notebook
(lǐ) village
没有了(méi yǒu le) not to have
笔记本(bǐ jì běn) notebook
(wǒ) I
浑身(hún shēn) entire body
不自在(bù zì zài bú zì zài) uneasiness

I write everything down; I feel uneasy without my notebook.

蜡烛(là zhú) candle
没有了(méi yǒu le) not to have
(xīn xīn) core
算是(suàn shì) to count as
蜡烛(là zhú) candle
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

A candle without a wick is no candle at all.

如果(rú guǒ) if
没有了(méi yǒu le) not to have
(shuǐ) liquid
没有人(méi yǒu rén) nobody
能够(néng gòu) can
(zài) (located) at
地球上(dì qiú shàng) on the earth
生存(shēng cún) surviving

If it were not for water, no one could live on earth.

没有了(méi yǒu le) not to have
我的( de) my
眼镜(yǎn jìng) spectacles
(wǒ) I
几乎(jī hū) almost
看不到(kànbúdào) to not see

I can hardly see without my glasses.

如果(rú guǒ) if
没有了(méi yǒu le) not to have
电视(diàn shì) TV
实在(shí zài) true
想像(xiǎng xiàng) imagination
我们的(wǒmende) our
日常生活(rì cháng shēng huó) ordinary life
(huìkuài) will
变成(biàn chéng) to change into
怎样(zěn yàng) how

We can hardly imagine our daily life without television.

没有了(méi yǒu le) not to have
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
(wǒ) I
就像(jiù xiàng) just like
没有灵魂的( méi yǒu líng hún de) soulless
躯体(qū tǐ) carcass

Me without you is like a body with no soul.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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