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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
fàng dào
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
fong3 dou3
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不要(bù yào) must not
(bà) stem
所有东西( suǒ yǒu dōng xī) all of the things
(dū) all
放到(fàng dào) to release at
(bāo) bag
里面(lǐ miàn) inside

Don't put anything in the bag.

(qǐng) to ask
(bà) stem
淋湿的( lín shī de) wringing
(sǎn) parasol
放到(fàng dào) to release at
这个(zhè gè) this one
袋子(dài zi) bag
(lǐ) village

Put the wet umbrella in this bag, please.

他把( tā bǎ)
全部(quán bù) all
精力(jīng lì) energy
放到(fàng dào) to release at
实验(shí yàn) test
中了( zhōng le)

All his energies were devoted to the experiment.

第一(dì yī) first
(kē) classifier for small spheres, pearls, corn grains, teeth, hearts, satellites etc
原子弹(yuán zǐ dàn) A-bomb
(tóu) to cast
放到(fàng dào) to release at
日本(rì běn) Japanese

The first atomic bomb was dropped on Japan.

我的( de) my
手表(shǒu biǎo) wrist watch
不知(bù zhī) unaware
放到(fàng dào) to release at
哪里(nǎ lǐ) wherever

I can't find my watch.

(tā) she
没有(méi yǒu) not to have
准备(zhǔn bèi) to intend
烛光(zhú guāng) candlelight
晚餐(wǎn cān) dinner
而是(ér shì) rather
(bà) stem
她的( tā de)
男友(nán yǒu) boyfriend
放到(fàng dào) to release at
E b a y
上拍卖( shàng pāi mài) to go on action

Instead of preparing a dinner by candlelight, she put her boyfriend up for auction on eBay.

我不( bù)
(yòng) hence
曲膝(qū xī) genuflect
(jiù) only
能把( néng bǎ)
我的( de) my
手掌(shǒu zhǎng) palm
放到(fàng dào) to release at
地上(dìshàng) on the floor

I can place the palms of my hands on the floor without bending my knees.

汤姆(tāng mǔ) Tom (name)
(bà) stem
玛丽(mǎ lì) Mary or Marie (name)
放到(fàng dào) to release at
他的( tā de)
摩托车(mó tuō chē) Motorola
送到(sòng dào) to send to
医院(yī yuàn) hospital

Tom took Mary to the hospital on the back of his motorcycle.

华盛顿的( huá shèng dùn de) washingtonian
(xīn) Singapore
保守主义(bǎo shǒu zhǔ yì) Toryism
(zhě) (old) this
不该(bù gāi) should not
(bà) stem
航空母舰(háng kōng mǔ jiàn) (like) a whale
放到(fàng dào) to release at
俄罗斯(é luó sī) Russian
(hé) with
中国(zhōng guó) China
(dedì) of
地方(dì fang) area
(zhè) these
两个(liǎng ge)
国家(guó jiā) state
粉碎(fěn suì) to smash
它们的( tā men de)
武器(wǔ qì) arms

Washington's neocons should not push their aircraft carriers too close to Russia and China. These two countries have the weapons they need to pulverize them.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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