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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
huò shì
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
waak6 si6
Short definition (conj) either X or Y
Usage frequency Very common
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All available English definitions (conj) either X or YMDBG iconAdso icon/
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我们( men) us
(zài) (located) at
书中( shū zhōng)
认识的( rèn shí de) cognitive
(rén) man
可以(kě yǐ) can
带给(dài gěi) to take to
我们( men) us
愉悦(yú yuè) cheerful
或是(huò shì) (conj) either X or Y
他们(tā men) they
(yǔ yùyù) and
我们( men) us
生活(shēng huó) life
(zhōngzhòng) among
(zhì) sincere
朋友(péng you) friend
相似(xiāng sì) like
或是(huò shì) (conj) either X or Y
因为(yīn wèi) because
我们( men) us
所不( suǒ bù)
熟悉(shú xī) to know well
(què) yet
乐于(lè yú) happy to the point of
结识(jié shí) to get to know sb
的人( de rén)

The people we meet in books can delight us either because they resemble the friends we hold dear in real life, or because they are unfamiliar people that we are pleased to get to know.

(zài) (located) at
孩子(hái zi) child
熟睡(shú shuì) asleep
后仍( hòu réng)
难以(nán yǐ) difficult to
入眠(rù mián) to fall asleep
(dedì) of
父母(fù mǔ) parents
他们(tā men) they
担心(dān xīn) uneasy
如何(rú hé) how
偿还(cháng huán) to reimburse
按揭(àn jiē) to buy property on a mortgage
(yuè) moon
(gōnggōng gòng) to allow
(zōu) ,
(fù) to pay
医药费(yī yào fèi) medical cost
或是(huò shì) (conj) either X or Y
(cún) savings
(gòu) enough
(qián) money
(ràng) to yield
孩子(hái zi) child
上大学(shàng dà xué) to attend university

There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after the children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor's bills, or save enough for their child's college education.

世上(shì shàng) on earth
所有(suǒ yǒu) to own
问题(wèn tí) issue
都可以(dōukěyǐ) all OK
(yòng) hence
下面(xiàmiàn) next
三种( sān zhǒng)
方式(fāng shì) mode
解决(jiě jué) to dispatch
接受(jiē shòu) to receive
改变(gǎi biàn) to change
或是(huò shì) (conj) either X or Y
干脆(gān cuì) simply
放开(fàng kāi) to release

There are three solutions to every problem: accept it, change it or leave it.

(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
可以(kě yǐ) can
(ná) to take
大的(tàde) bigger
盒子(hé zi) case
或是(huò shì) (conj) either X or Y
小的(xiǎo de) I (when talking to a superior)
盒子(hé zi) case

You may take either the big box or the small one.

所有(suǒ yǒu) to own
史蒂夫(shǐ dì fū) Steve (male name)
(dedì) of
工作(gōng zuò) job
不是(bú shì) is not
无聊(wú liáo) bored
就是(jiù shì) if
(fēi) in-
高薪(gāo xīn) high salary
或是(huò shì) (conj) either X or Y
两者(liǎng zhě) both sides things
兼而有之(jiān ér yǒu zhī) to have both (at the same time)

All of Steve's jobs were boring or not well-paid or both.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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