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Simplfied Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
chā /cī
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
Short definition poor
Usage frequency Very common
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All available English definitions poorCantofish iconAdso icon / unevenCdict iconCantofish icon / to differCantofish icon / a missionCantofish icon / a messengerCantofish icon / errorCantofish icon / discrepancyCantofish icon / to lackCantofish icon / differenceCantofish icon / to errCantofish icon / sendCantofish icon / to commissionCantofish icon / short ofCantofish icon / differ fromCantofish icon / to make a mistakeCantofish icon /
Copyleft icon Adso icon Adso: poor
Copyleft icon Cantofish icon Cantofish: differ from; short of; to lack; poor; difference; discrepancy; to differ; error; to err; to make a mistake; send; a messenger; a mission; to commission; uneven
Copyleft icon MDBG icon MDBG: samecdic
Copyleft icon LDC icon LDC: difference; error; discrepancy; to differ; to err; to make a mistake; to lack; different; short of; poor; send; a messenger; a mission; to comission; uneven
Copyleft icon Cdict icon CDict: uneven'
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Sentence examples
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(tā) she
(chā cī) poor
不多( bù duō)
(yǒu) some
(wǒ) I
那么(nà me) so
(gāo) loud

She is about as tall as me.

(tā) she
(chā cī) poor
(diǎn) to hint
(cóngcóng) from
台上(tái shàng) on stage
掉了(diàole) to fall off
下来(xià lai) to come down

She came close to falling off the platform.

(tā) she
(chā cī) poor
不多( bù duō)
(yǒu) some
2 0
(suì) (a measure word)

She is almost 20 years old.

(tā) another
(chā cī) poor
一分钟(yī fēn zhōng) one minute
(jiù) only
(néng) may
赶上(gǎn shàng) in time for
火车(huǒ chē) train

He missed the train by a minute.

我的( de) my
记性(jì xìng) memory (ability to retain information)
怎么(zěn me) how
这么(zhè me) so much
(chā cī) poor
总是(zǒng shì) always
(wàng) to forget
(dōng) landlord
(wàng) to forget
西(xī) west
(dedì) of

Why is my memory so bad? I'm always forgetting things!

(jiào) to make
外国人(wài guó rén) foreigner
中文(zhōng wén) Chinese written language
的时候( de shí hòu) when
(cái) only then
(huìkuài) will
发现(fā xiàn) to discover
自己(zì jǐ) herself
中文(zhōng wén) Chinese written language
有多( yǒu duō)
(chā cī) poor

It's when you teach foreigners Chinese that you realize just how flawed your own Chinese is.

情况(qíng kuàng) situation
一天(yī tiān) one day
(bǐ bǐbì) ratio
一天(yī tiān) one day
(chā cī) poor

The situation is getting worse by the day.

(wǒ) I
(chā cī) poor
不多( bù duō)
完成了(wán chéng le) to complete

I'm just about done.

(tā) another
(chā cī) poor
不多( bù duō)
(yǒu) some
(liù) 6
(chěchě chǐ) a ruler
(gāo) loud

He is almost six feet tall.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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