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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
tài píng yáng
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
taai3 ping4 yeung4
Short definition the Pacific Ocean
Usage frequency Very common
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你的(nǐde) your
歌声(gē shēng) song
(xiàng) such as
太平洋(tài píng yáng) the Pacific Ocean
(dedì) of
海水(hǎi shuǐ) (n) seawater
一样(yī yàng yí yàng) identically
清澈(qīng chè) fair

You sing with a voice as clear as the waters of the Pacific Ocean.

(jǐn) only
太平洋(tài píng yáng) the Pacific Ocean
(dedì) of
面积(miàn jī) tract of land
就比( jiù bǐ)
所有的(suǒ yǒu de) all
大陆(dà lù) continent
(dedì) of
总和(zǒng hé) sum
面积(miàn jī) tract of land
还要(hái yào) also to want
(dà dài dài) big

The Pacific Ocean alone covers an area larger than that of all continents put together.

他用(tā yòng) diversion
3 0
(tiān) sky
横渡(héng dù) a crossing
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
太平洋(tài píng yáng) the Pacific Ocean

He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days.

这条( zhè tiáo)
(hé) river
汇入(huì rù) to flow into
太平洋(tài píng yáng) the Pacific Ocean

That river flows into the Pacific.

中国(zhōng guó) China
全名(quán míng) full name
中华人民共和国(zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó) The People's Republic of China
位于(wèi yú) to lie
亚洲(yà zhōu) Asian
东部(dōng bù) Eastern
太平洋(tài píng yáng) the Pacific Ocean
西岸(xī àn) the west bank

China, otherwise known as the People's Republic of China, is located in east Asia, on the western coast of the Pacific ocean.

太平洋(tài píng yáng) the Pacific Ocean
(shì) is
世界上最大的(shì jiè shàng zuì dà) one of the world's biggest
海洋(hǎi yáng) ocean

The Pacific is the largest ocean in the world.

我们( men) us
之间(zhī jiān) between
不只(bù zhǐ) not only
隔着( gé)
太平洋(tài píng yáng) the Pacific Ocean

We are only separated by the Pacific Ocean.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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