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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
xī yǐn
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
kap1 yan5
Short definition attract (interest, investment, etc.)
Usage frequency Very common
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飞蛾(fēi é) moth
(bèi) quilt
光线(guāng xiàn) illumination
吸引(xī yǐn) attract (interest, investment, etc.)

Moths are attracted by light.

观光客(guān guāng kè) tourist
(bèi) quilt
独特的( dú tè de) blue-chip
景致(jǐng zhì) view
(suǒ) place
吸引(xī yǐn) attract (interest, investment, etc.)

The tourists were fascinated with the exquisite scenery.

记者(jì zhě) reporter
(xiǎng) to wish
(xiě) to write
一篇文章 ,
以便(yǐ biàn) so that
吸引(xī yǐn) attract (interest, investment, etc.)
公众(gōng zhòng) public
对那( duì nà)
(jiàn) component
事情(shì qing) thing
(dedì) of
注意(zhù yì) to take note of

The journalist wanted to write an article that would draw public attention to the issue.

生意(shēng yi) business
停顿(tíng dùn) to halt
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
以后(yǐ hòu) behind
许多(xǔ duō) many
公共(gōng gòng) public
(dū) all
添置(tiān zhì) to buy
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
桑拿(sāng ná) sauna
浴室(yù shì) bathing room
(zōu) ,
健身(jiàn shēn) to keep fit
器材(qì cái) equipment
(xīn) Singapore
设备(shè bèi) facilities
希望能(xī wàng néng) to hope to be able
吸引(xī yǐn) attract (interest, investment, etc.)
多点(duō diǎn) multidrop
(rén) man
(lái) next
光顾(guāng gù) to patronize

After business came to a halt, many bathhouses added new facilities, such as saunas and exercise equipment, in an effort to attract customers.

(tā) another
知道(zhī dào) to know
如何(rú hé) how
(qù) to get rid of
吸引(xī yǐn) attract (interest, investment, etc.)
他的( tā de)
听众(tīng zhòng) audience

He knows how to captivate his audience.

第一个(dì yī ge)
吸引(xī yǐn) attract (interest, investment, etc.)
(wǒ) I
注意的( zhù yì de) advertent
科目(kē mù) subject
(shì) is
哲学(zhé xué) philosophy

The first subject that attracted my attention was philosophy.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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