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Sentence examples
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T a t o e b a
(shàng) upper
似乎(sì hū) apparently
(yǒu) some
超过(chāo guò) more than
维吾尔语(wéi wú ěr yǔ) Uighur language
(jù) clause
(zǐzǐ) son
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

It looks like there are now over two thousand Uyghur sentences on Tatoeba!

这个(zhè gè) this one
世界语(shì jiè yǔ) world language
(jù) clause
(zǐzǐ) son
意思(yì sī) wish

What does this Esperanto sentence mean?

好人(hǎo rén) good person
(bù) not
长命(cháng mìng) longevous
(shì) is
(jù) clause
(huò) or
(zhēn) true
(huò) or
假的(jiǎ de) mock
老话(lǎo huà) old saying

"The good die young" is an old saying which may or may not be true.

意义的( yì yì de) Content
(yuán) former
(jù) clause
(shì) is
相反(xiāng fǎn) conversely

The original sentence means the opposite.

(hé) with
(jù) clause
实话(shí huà) the truth
(wǒ) I
觉得(jué de) to feel
(wǒ) I
做不到(zuò bù dào) impossible

To be very honest with you, I don't think I can do that.

(cǐ) this
(jù) clause
(yǒu) some
歧义(qí yì) ambiguity

This sentence is ambiguous.

亲爱的( qīn ài de) dear
(kuài) fast
(kuài) fast
名为(míng wéi) to be called
T a t o e b a
(dedì) of
网站(wǎng zhàn) website
正在(zhèng zài) currently
拍卖(pāi mài) to auction
它的( tā de)
句子(jù zi) sentence
收藏(shōu cáng) to hoard
一句(yī jù) a sentence
每一(měi yī) every
分钱(fēn qián) cent
他们(tā men) they
(gè) variant of 個个ge4
优惠(yōu huì) preferable
像是(xiàng shì)
(mǎi) to purchase
一百(yī bǎi) a hundred
(jù) clause
(sòng) to deliver
一句(yī jù) a sentence
! | |
(ā) Ah
太好了(tài hǎo le) very good
现在(xiàn zài) modern
人们(rén men) people
收集(shōu jí) to gather
句子(jù zi) sentence
当作(dàng zuò) to treat as
嗜好(shì hào) habit
? !
什么(shén me shén me yě méi yǒu) who?
世界(shì jiè) world
来著(lái zhe) auxiliary showing sth happened in the past
! |
"Honey, quick, quick. There's this website called Tatoeba that's auctioning its sentence collection for a cent each! They've even got special offers like buy 100 sentences and get 1 free!" "Ah great! now people collect sentences as a hobby?! What's the world coming to!"

(zài) (located) at
(jù) clause
(zǐzǐ) son
(zhōngzhòng) among
不要(bù yào) must not
写入(xiě rù) read-in
额外(é wài) added
信息(xìn xī) news
比如(bǐ rú) for example
作者(zuò zhě zuó zhě) writer
姓名(xìng míng) full name

Don't write extra information, such as the name of the author, within the sentence.

(zài) (located) at
(wēi) power
(ěr) thus
(sī) this
, 我们有
(yī) all
(gè) variant of 個个ge4
(jù) clause
谚语(yàn yǔ) proverb

In Wales we have a proverb.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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