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Traditional Chinese
Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
jí biàn
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
jik1 bin6
Short definition even if
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All available English definitions even ifLDC iconMDBG iconAdso icon / even thoughLDC iconMDBG icon / immediatelyMDBG icon / right awayMDBG icon /
Copyleft icon Adso icon Adso: even if
Copyleft icon Cantofish icon Cantofish: samecdic
Copyleft icon MDBG icon MDBG: even if; even though; right away; immediately
Copyleft icon LDC icon LDC: even if; even though
Copyleft icon Cdict icon CDict: sameldc'
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Sentence examples
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我知道( zhī dào) I see
(suǒ) place
一切(yī qiè yí qiè) all
并不(bìng bù) not at all
赢得(yíng dé) to win something
选举(xuǎn jǔ) election
知道(zhī dào) to know
你们(nǐ men) you
(zuò) to do
(zhè) these
一切(yī qiè yí qiè) all
并不是( bìng bù shì) really not to be
为了(wèi le) in order to
(wǒ) I
你们(nǐ men) you
这样做 是因为
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
(men) plural marker for pronouns, and nouns referring to individuals
明白(míng bai) clear
前面的( qián miàn de) Previous
任务(rènwù) task
(yǒu) some
多么(duō me) how much
艰巨(jiān jù) arduous
即便(jí biàn) even if
我们( men) us
今晚(jīn wǎn) tonight
欢呼庆祝(huān hū qìng zhù) maffick
我们( men) us
(yě) too
知道(zhī dào) to know
明天(míng tiān) tomorrow
(jiāngjiàngqiāng) ready
面临(miàn lín) to be confronted with
我们( men) us
一生(yì shēng yī shēng) all ones life
之中(zhī zhōng) amidst
(zuì) the most
艰难的( jiān nán de) burdensome
挑战(tiǎo zhàn) to challenge
— —
两场( liǎng chǎng)
战争(zhàn zhēng) war
(zōu) ,
一个(yī gè) a
面临(miàn lín) to be confronted with
危险的( wēi xiǎn de) rummy

And I know you didn't do this just to win an election. And I know you didn't do it for me. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime: two wars, a planet in peril, the worst financial crisis in a century.

即便(jí biàn) even if
她不( tā bù)
喜欢(xǐ huān) to like
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)
完成(wán chéng) to total
工作(gōng zuò) job

Even if she doesn't like you, you still have to finish the work.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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