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Mandarin pinyin pronunciation
běi hǎi dào
Cantonese jyutpin pronunciation
bak1 hoi2 dou6
Short definition Hokkaido
Usage frequency Somewhat infrequent
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北海道(běi hǎi dào) Hokkaido
(yǒu) some
很多(hěn duō) very many
(yòu) also
(cháng zhǎngzhǎng) long
(yòu) also
直的(zhíde) rectus
(lù) kind

There are a lot of long and straight roads in Hokkaido.

我们( men) us
到达(dào dá) to reach
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
北海道(běi hǎi dào) Hokkaido
(dedì) of
一个(yī gè) a
小镇(xiǎo zhèn) small town

We arrived at a small town in Hokkaido.

(wǒ) I
去过(qùguò) to have been to
北海道(běi hǎi dào) Hokkaido

I've been to Hokkaido before.

我想(wǒxiǎng) I guess
下个月(xià gè yuè) next month
(hé) with
一个(yī gè) a
朋友(péng you) friend
(qù) to get rid of
北海道(běi hǎi dào) Hokkaido

I want to go with a friend to Hokkaido next month.

你们(nǐ men) you
(jiā) home
(qù) to get rid of
北海道(běi hǎi dào) Hokkaido
旅游(lv yóu) trip
(shì) is
真的(zhēn de) really
(me) small
(wǒ) I
羡慕(xiàn mù) envious
(nǐ) variant of 你, you (female)

Is it true that your family will travel in Hokkaido? I envy you.

顺便(shùn biàn) in passing
(wèn) question
一句(yī jù) a sentence
你们(nǐ men) you
已经(yǐ jīng) already
去过(qùguò) to have been to
北海道(běi hǎi dào) Hokkaido
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright
(ma) (question tag)

By the way, have you ever been to Hokkaido?

英国的( yīng guó de) British
气候(qì hòu) climate
(hé) with
北海道(běi hǎi dào) Hokkaido
(hěn) quite
相似(xiāng sì) like

The climate of England is similar to that of Hokkaido.

(wǒ) I
打算(dǎ suàn) to intend
下个月(xià gè yuè) next month
(hé) with
朋友(péng you) friend
一起去( yī qǐ qù)
北海道(běi hǎi dào) Hokkaido

I've decided to go to Hokkaido with my friends next month.

北海道(běi hǎi dào) Hokkaido
(zài) (located) at
仙台(xiān tái) Sendai, capital of Miyagi prefecture 宮城縣宫城县Gong1 cheng2 xian4 in northeast Japan
(dedì) of
北方(běi fāng) northern China

Hokkaido is to the north of Sendai.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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