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(zǒng) generally
(dú) comma
数表( shù biǎo) numerical table
(dedì) of
身高(shēn gāo) height
体重(tǐ zhòng) body weight
指数(zhǐ shù) (numerical, statistical) index
分类(fēn lèi) classification
体重(tǐ zhòng) body weight
过轻( guò qīng)
(zōu) ,
超重(chāo zhòng) overweight (baggage, freight)
(huò) or
肥胖(féi pàng) fat
(bù) not
适用于(kuò yòng yú) is appropriate for
运动员(yùn dòng yuán) athlete
(zōu) ,
儿童(ér tóng) child
(zōu) ,
老人(lǎo rén) the elderly
(hé) with
(tǐ) body
弱者(ruò zhě) weakling

BMI categories (underweight, overweight or obese) from general reading table are inappropriate for athletes, children, the elderly, and the infirm.

(wǎng wǎng) past
(lì) at once
(tǐ) body
声音(shēng yīn) voice
(xiǎng) echo
(shàng) upper
(fàng) to put
一枚( yī méi)
唱片(chàng piàn) LP

Put a record on the stereo.

(wǒ) I
(shēn) life
(tǐ) body
不适(bù shì) unwell

I'm not well.

(tā) another
(tǐ) body
(zhòng) heavy
上升(shàng shēng) to ascend
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

He has gained weight.

(zài) (located) at
(quán) all
(tǐ) body
职员(zhí yuán) staff member
回家(huí jiā) to go home
(hòu) behind
爆发(bào fā) to break out
(liǎo) (of eyes) bright

The fire broke out after the staff went home.

英国人(yīng guó rén) British person
(dà dài dài) big
(tǐ) body
(shàng) upper
(shuō) to scold
都是(dōushì) all
保守的( bǎo shǒu de) old-line

Englishmen are, on the whole, conservative.

(cóngcóng) from
(zhěng) whole
(tǐ) body
(kàn) to read
计划(jì huà) project
似乎(sì hū) apparently
很好(hěn hǎo) well

As a whole, the plan seems to be good.

代表(dài biǎo) delegate
不明飞行物(bù míng fēi xíng wù) ufo
(tǐ) body

UFO stands for unidentified flying object.

他们(tā men) they
中的(zhòng dì) to hit the target
(shēn) life
(tǐ) body
健康(jiàn kāng) healthy
但是(dàn shì) but
其他人(qí tā rén) other person
不是(bú shì) is not

Some of them are healthy, but others are not.

Example sentences courtesy Tatoeba project.Copyleft icon
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